Radiology Technician Salary in Wisconsin

Salaries and Hourly Wages of Radiology Technician in Wisconsin

Area Name Hourly Wages Annual Salary Jobs_1000 Total Employment
Appleton, WI $24.26 $50,450 0.981 110
Eau Claire, WI $25.45 $52,940 1.743 140
Green Bay, WI $24.46 $50,880 2.028 330
Janesville, WI $25.42 $52,870 2.063 130
La Crosse, WI-MN $26.98 $56,120 ** **
Madison, WI $25.49 $53,030 1.700 580
Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI $27.53 $57,260 1.440 1,170
Oshkosh-Neenah, WI $25.83 $53,730 1.224 110
Sheboygan, WI $26.19 $54,470 1.352 80
Wausau, WI $24.52 $51,010 1.748 110

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